The Wondrous Cross: Atonement & Penal Substitution in the Bible...
Stephen R Holmes
An accessible defence of the view that we need multiple metaphors for how the cross saves us (including penal substitution).
In this book Stephen Holmes offers an accessible and authoritative account of the way the saving work of Jesus is presented in the Bible, and has been understood throughout Christian history. In particular, the book offers background to the current debates about penal substitutionary atonement by looking at that idea in biblical and historical perspective.

Holmes argues that we can, and should, continue to talk of the cross in penal substitutionary terms, if we understand this as one of many complimentary descriptions of the salvation we find in Christ.

ISBN: 9781842275412
Catalogue code: N/A
Publisher: PATERNOSTER PRESS - published 01/05/2007
Format: Paperback  
