More information on Healthy Weight Loss
Dr Gary Smalley
Just as our relationships are interconnected, so are our health and our weight. In this book, Dr. Smalley will give you seven steps to getting control over how and what you eat, and the impact this approach will have on your relationships.
More information on I Promise You Forever
Dr Gary Smalley
Ten years of research led Smalley to understand that marriages not only survive but thrive when they foster two specific characteristics - safety and affirmation. This encouraging guide helps couples meet each other's emotional needs by expressing gentle promises to listen, forgive, honor, be faithf... (more)
More information on As Long as We Both Shall Live
Dr Gary Smalley / Ted Cunningham
Experience the marriage you've always wanted In marriage, unrecognized expectations can be especially dangerous. When couples expect each other to be and act a certain way without communicating their assumptions, disappointment is never too far away. Relationship expert Gary Smalley and his pasto... (more)