More information on What Your Childhood Memories Say about You . . . and What You Can Do a
Kevin Leman
What are your earliest childhood memories? Were you afraid of the dark? Can you remember a particularly embarrassing moment? Those memories--along with the words and emotions you use to describe them--hold the key to understanding the person you are today! Drawing on examples from his own life, the ... (more)
More information on What Your Childhood Memories Say About You...And What You Can Do About
Dr Kevin Leman
What are your earliest childhood memories? Were you afraid of the dark? Can you remember a particularly embarrassing moment? Those memories--along with the words and emotions you use to describe them--hold the key to understanding the person you are today! Drawing on examples from his own life, the ... (more)
More information on Woman Behind the Mask: Trading Your Facade for Authentic Life
Jan Coleman
God is calling Christian women today to a supreme spiritual makeover. He wants to rid them of the debris, confusion, emotional burnout, distractions, and anything else that stands in His way. In this book, author Jan Coleman offers help for women who feel that they must be everything—but who also kn... (more)