More information on War Child: Memories of a World War II Childhood
Maurine Murchison
When bombs fell over cities like Glasgow and London people would take refuge in shelters and tube stations until the all-clear signal sounded and 'normal' life resumed. Many years later Maureen remembered those times - the rationing, the evacuation, the fears and excitement of living as a child duri... (more)
More information on Who Owns the Land?
Stanley Ellison
An update of Stanley Ellisen's 1991 best-selling book examining Middle East history from a biblical perspective. In addition to offering perspective on recent events, Who Owns the Land? traces the journey of the Jewish people through history and explains the events that have led to their determined ... (more)
More information on Wrestling with God: How Can I Love a God I'm Not Sure I Trust?
Jim Denison
Most people, even devout Christians, struggle with issues about God. We sit in the pew every Sunday and affirm the essentials of Christianity in theory, but when it comes to trusting God with our daily lives, we share a secret, painful fear that God isn't really looking out for us. And how can we lo... (more)