More information on Vanishing Grace
Philip Yancey
Vanishing Grace by Philip Yancey answers the question that perplexes so many Christians today: Whatever happened to the good news of the Gospel, and why is the world so reluctant to accept its offer of grace for all?
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More information on Veil Of Fire
Marlo Schalesky
In 1894, the worst firestorm in Minnesota history descended on the town of Hinckley, consuming 400 square miles and killing 418 people in just four hours. Heat, flame, and darkness swept through the town, devouring lives, and consuming all hope. In the aftermath of the fire, the town of Hinckley r... (more)
More information on Vestry Handbook, The
Christopher L Webber
The one-volume resource to everything you need to know about being a member of the vestry.
More information on Victors, The: An American Family Portrait
Jack Cavanaugh
The seventh book in the popular adult fiction series, "An American Family Portrait, The Victors" follows the path of a new generation of the Morgan family. Four siblings are caught up in the events of World War II, and each will handle the challenge differently. Nat, Walt, Alex, and Lily must face l... (more)
More information on Victory Bethel Music
Bethel Music
Bethel Music's latest album VICTORY features 14 confident declarative songs recorded live at Bethel Church. The album is inspired by the story of King Jehoshaphat and the unlikely victory won by sending worshipers to the front lines of battle in 2 Chronicles 20:22 "As they began to sing and praise t... (more)
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More information on Victory in Christ
Charles Trumbull
“To me, to live is Christ.” —Philippians 1:21 Can Christians ever “win” if the Christian life is a drudgery of ups and downs? Where only some days we conquer our sinful desires, and only sometimes we succeed at loving unconditionally? No. That’s counterfeit success, if any is found in such a... (more)
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Bruce H Wilkinson
More information on Vienna Prelude (Zion Covenant Series: #1)
Bodie Thoene / Brock Thoene
Opening in 1936, the Zion Covenant series tells the courageous and compelling stories of those who risk everything to stand against the growing tide of Nazi terrorism that is sweeping through central Europe under the dangerous and deceitful guise of Hitler's Third Reich. A new study guide is include... (more)
More information on Vintage Church: Timeless Truths and Timely Methods
Mark Driscoll / Gerry Breshears
Defines a biblical church as one that properly balances the eternal truths of Scripture with timely, relevant methods designed to engage the culture. The book in the popular Re:Lit series picks up where Vintage Jesus leaves off, beginning with a focus on the person and work of Jesus and then expl... (more)
More information on Violent Prayer
Chris Tiegreen
Pray from Your Gut Satan is alive, well, and actively searching for opportunities to ruin you. Perhaps your trying circumstances or struggling relationships reflect his schemes. Does that make you angry? If you've ever suppressed simmering anger toward the enemy, seeing it as an intrusion into your ... (more)