More information on The Apostolic Fathers: Greek Texts and English Translations
Michael W. Holmes
Following the recent publication of his revised translations in The Apostolic Fathers in English, 3rd ed., Michael Holmes, a leading expert on these texts, offers a thoroughly revised and redesigned bilingual edition, featuring Greek (or Latin) and English on facing pages. Introductions and bibliogr... (more)
More information on The Bible in Pastoral Practice: Readings in the Place and Function...
Paul Ballard / Stephen R Holmes / William R Elkins
The Bible is at the heart of Christian life and witness. Yet the application of the Bible to the practice of Christian faith — to spiritual growth, pastoral discussion, and even preaching — is often too naïve and simplistic. Filling a real gap between biblical studies and practical theology, The ... (more)
More information on The Wondrous Cross: Atonement & Penal Substitution in the Bible...
Stephen R Holmes
An accessible defence of the view that we need multiple metaphors for how the cross saves us (including penal substitution). In this book Stephen Holmes offers an accessible and authoritative account of the way the saving work of Jesus is presented in the Bible, and has been understood throughout C... (more)
More information on Trinity in Human Community
Peter R Holmes
Exploring Congregational Life in the image of the Social Trinity The one God, in Christian thought, is not a single divine 'Person' but a Trinity of three inter-twined 'Persons'. God, on this social Trinitarian view, is a community of love and so relationship lies at the very heart of God's ident... (more)