More information on Shaken: Hardcover Collections Book 7 (Left Behind Kids Books 23-25)
Tim LaHaye / Jerry B Jenkins / Chris Fabry
Living in the aftermath of a worldwide earthquake, the Young Trib Force find themselves in a more difficult position than ever before. As the world faces another deadly judgment from God, Judd’s life is changed forever. While friends want to help, Judd has to walk through this trial on his own. ... (more)
More information on Silenced (Underground Zealot)
Jerry B Jenkins
Enter the continuing story of double agent Paul Stepola as he works to protect his fellow believers from the government that is trying to eliminate them. The underground church is in mortal peril following the apocalyptic events in Los Angeles, which have only cast further suspicion upon Christians.... (more)
More information on Soon: A Novel- The Beginning of the End
Jerry B Jenkins
Less than half a century into our future, the world has become a very different place to live. Convinced that religious fundamentalism is the root cause of humanity's problems, religion itself was outlawed following a shattering Third World War. Christians across the world have been forced undergrou... (more)
More information on Stung: Hardcover Collections Book 5 (Left Behind Kids Books 17-20)
Jerry B Jenkins / Tim LaHaye
The series that has sold more than ten million copies in mass paperback editions is now available in these value priced hardcover editions for collectors and readers who want a longer read. Book #5 "Stung" contains original titles based on "Apollyon" and Book #6 "Frantic," from those titles based on... (more)