More information on Leviticus (A Mentor Commentary)
Robert Vasholz
Leviticus received its English title from the Greek Levitikon, which means pertaining to the Levites. Probably, Jewish scribes [who called Leviticus the Priest’s Manual] influenced the title in the Tannaitic Period (200 B.C. - 200 A.D.). While the title is appropriate for certain sections it fails t... (more)
More information on Life Everlasting
Robert Whitlow
Book Two in The Santee Series this book picks up with Baxter Richardson's recovery after a near-fatal fall from a cliff. Married to Rena, a suspicious and highly unstable woman, Baxter is faced with a choice of staggering ramifications. While Rena Richardson is desperately trying to conceal her crim... (more)
More information on Light Of The world
Robert Hugh Benson
In this profound and prescient novel, Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson gives us animaginative foretelling of the end of the world. All stories, Aristotle said, have a beginning, a middle, and an end, but most ends are relative, the terminus of this chain of acts or that. But what of the end that termina... (more)
More information on Like Always
Robert Elmer
When Will and Merit Sullivan decide to escape midlife blues and buy a small, dilapidated resort in northern Idaho, their dreams finally seem within reach. More importantly, their twenty-year-old son Michael has just returned from Iraq, thrilling his younger sisters and making their family complete a... (more)
More information on Love - 100 readings of marriage and love
Robert Atwell
Everybody wants a christening, wedding or funeral service to be unique to them and one of the main ways of personalising a ceremony is to choose one's own readings. Not everyone reads poetry or novels together and many do not know where to start in choosing a special piece. Here, an experienced edit... (more)