More information on Jesus Finds His People - Sent To Save Series
Catherine Mackenzie
If you were lost on a mountain you would need the Mountain Rescue team to come and find you. Jesus wants to find you in a far greater way.
More information on Jesus Rescues His People - Sent to Save Series
Catherine Mackenzie
Jesus rescues. Jesus saves. This is what God the Father sent him to do - he was sent to save his people from their sin.
More information on Jesus Rose from the Dead
Catherine MacKenzie
People often question things today. Sometimes it’s right to have doubts – but sometimes it’s wrong. You certainly shouldn’t believe everything you read in the newspapers. Sometimes a T.V. programme isn’t accurate because they only give one side of the story. Adverts make ridiculous claims about the ... (more)
More information on Jesus Saves His People - Sent to Save Series
Catherine Mackenzie
If a robber broke into your house a policeman would come to save you. Jesus wants to save you in a far greater way!
More information on Jesus the Child - Bible Alive
C MacKenzie
Jesus means so many things to different people...but once he was a child. The baby visited by shepherds and wise men in Bethlehem became the man who performed miracles, healed sickness, and showed the people who God is. The Son of God came to Bethlehem, where there was no room for him in the inn... ... (more)
More information on Jesus the Healer - Bible Alive
C MacKenzie
This series goes through the key elements of the life of Jesus - his teachings, his miracles, the healings, the stories, the birth, death and resurrection. Excellent illustrations by Jeff Anderson capture the people and places of the time. Different angles and imaginative picture compositions take t... (more)
More information on Jesus the Miracle Worker - Bible Alive
C MacKenzie
This series goes through the key elements of the life of Jesus - his teachings, his miracles, the healings, the stories, the birth, death and resurrection. Excellent illustrations by Jeff Anderson capture the people and places of the time. Different angles and imaginative picture compositions take t... (more)
More information on Jesus The Real Story
Carine MacKenzie
Did you know that the shepherds and the wise men came to meet Jesus at different times? Did you know that Jesus healed the sick, gave sight to the blind and even raised the dead back to life? Did you know that the things Jesus did were predicted hundreds of years before he was born? Did you kno... (more)
More information on Jesus the Saviour - Bible Alive
C MacKenzie
Jesus means so many things to different people… but it is so wonderful that he can be our Saviour. He came as a child to Bethlehem but in the end he went to the cross to die. He died so that we can live. He died so that we can be forgiven. He died so that those who believe in him will go to live wit... (more)
More information on Jesus the Storyteller - Bible Alive
C MacKenzie
Jesus so many things to different people... but he also was a great storyteller. Jesus would gather the people around him and tell them wonderful truths about God. He told them about loving God was and how he hated all sin. But Jesus also told them how to become children of God. The storyteller told... (more)