More information on I'll Take You There: Pop Music and the Urge for Transcendence
Bill Friskics-Warren
Friskics-Warren analyzes elements of transcendence in pop songs by approximately 30 artists, interpreting their songs and careers through many concepts, from empathy, sensuality, and antipathy to solidarity and resistance. He examines music by Van Morrison, P.M. Dawn, Al Green, Marvin Gaye, Madonna,... (more)
More information on Inside of Me: A Story of Love, Lust and Redemption
Shellie R Warren
Although born and raised in the church, Shellie Warren became a victim and survivor of sexual abuse, low self-esteem, rape, promiscuity and co-dependency. After multiple abortions and deep depression, she found healing, reconcilation and recovery in God. As she shares her pain, discoveries and trium... (more)