More information on Head, Heart and Hands
Dennis P Hollinger
As Christians we are to love God with all of our being - heart, mind, soul and strength. But many of us tend to overemphasize one aspect or another, and as a result our faith becomes imbalanced. Some of us have an intellectual faith but lack compassion or spiritual discipline. Others of us have a vi... (more)
More information on Healing Quilt, The
Snelling, L
After her Aunt Teza’s test results turn out to be inconclusive, Dot Cooper resolves to raise money for a new mammogram machine, through the creation and auction of a magnificent, king-sized quilt to be sewn by the women of Jefferson City. Dot’s efforts quickly draw the support of disparate member... (more)
More information on How to Enjoy the Bible
E W Bullinger
In this classic book on Bible study, biblical scholar E. W. Bullinger provides a handbook for discovery, understanding, and enjoyment of the Bible's truths.