More information on Glory: The Spiritual Theology of Michael Ramsey
Douglas Dales
Archbishop Michael Ramsey was arguably Anglicanism's saint of the 20th-century. Clever, humble, shy, full of sympathy and with a great wit, his outstanding gift was that he made God real for people. It is said that when he read a Bible lesson, it was as if every word was on fire, and his robust sain... (more)
More information on God's Lyrics: Rediscovering Worship Through Old Testament Songs
Douglas S. O'Donnell
What a novel idea! Allow the songs of Scripture to inform and shape the songs that we Christians sing and, more, sing them to the Lord as he is revealed in the holy Scriptures. Novel? Yes, and also radical, as Doug O Donnell demonstrates, first, by uncovering the shared themes of the principle songs... (more)
More information on Guns of The Lion (Faith and Freedom #2)
Douglas Bond
The Faith & Freedom Trilogy, sequel to the Crown & Covenant Series, chronicles new generations of the M'Kethe family who find freedom in 18th-century America. Adventure is afoot as Old World tyrannies clash with New World freedoms. Douglas Bond weaves together fictional characters with historical fi... (more)
More information on Guns of Thunder
Douglas Bond
In this sequel to the Crown & Covenant series, the Faith & Freedom Trilogy chronicles new generations of the M'Kethe family who find freedom in 18th-century America. Adventure is afoot as Old World tyrannies clash with New Words freedoms. Douglas Bond waves together fiction character with historical... (more)