More information on Every Heart Restored
Stephen Arterburn / Fred Stoeker / Brenda Stoeker
Wholeness and Healing for Women Caught in the Crossfire. As the wife of a man who is addicted to lust, pornography, or masturbation, you are not alone. Millions of men can’t get through the day or the week without clicking on to their favorite Internet porn sites, thumbing through adult magazines... (more)
More information on Every Man's Challenge
Stephen Arterburn / Fred Stoeker
Are you ready to face life's tests? God tests a man. Into the flow of everyday life He sends "pop quizzes"-those unexpected trials that show us what we're made of; that reveal the true quality of our faith and character; that show our willingness to obey Him. "Every Man's Challenge, part of the ... (more)
More information on Every Young Man's Battle Guide
Stephen Arterburn / Fred Stoeker / Mike Yorkey
It’s handy, it’s powerful, it’s designed specifically for older teenage boys and young adult men: Every Young Man’s Battle Guide reflects the same format and purpose as Every Man’s Battle Guide, but with a distinctive approach designed for a younger audience. Young men struggling with sexual temptat... (more)
More information on Every Young Man's Battle Workbook
Stephen Arterburn / Fred Stoeker
The hard-hitting companion workbook to the best-selling Every Young Man's Battle. It's all about how to guard your eyes and your mind -every moment of every day. How to handle the guilt God's way. How to clean up your thought life. And how to develop a battle plan that really works - even in the sex... (more)