More information on Day God Made, The
Glen C. Knecht
Do Christians today see the Lord's Day, the Christian Sabbath, as an unattractive, dreary time of legalistic restriction? If so, have they misunderstood the nature of 'the day God made'? Glen Knecht believes that many have. They have taken what was meant to be 'a little oasis of greenness, for medit... (more)
More information on Dialogue Of Faith/God
Glenn E Wagner
Why do so many of God’s followers seem to prefer their boxed-in religion over God? Listen to their rhetoric and you might wonder how a Supreme Being could be so narrow and small, so angry and unattractive. It’s time to start over with an honest conversation instead of a box. If God does exist, th... (more)
More information on Dictionary of Christian Spirituality
Glen G.Scorgie
ZONDERVAN, United States, 2011. Hardback. Book Condition: New. 234 x 190 mm. Language: English . Brand New Book. In recent decades Christian spirituality, spiritual formation and spiritual theology have become important concepts in the global evangelical community.