More information on Degrees of Guilt- Kyra's Story
Daley Mackall Dandi
This new trilogy from three best-selling authors explores the differing perspectives of three high school seniors on the events and choices leading up to the death of a classmate, Sammy. All feel a measure of guilt for their role in the loss of their friend and must learn to understand their own lif... (more)
More information on Don't Cry Lion (I'M Not Afraid: Of A Bully)
Mackall, D
Don't Cry, Lion! -the story of a timid lion sent into a den with a "bully" lion. Then a man named Daniel gets thrown into the den. (Fear of others, as a bully.) These books from Dandi Mackall help parents teach Christian-based coping skills when handling childhood fears. Engaging art that captiva... (more)