More information on Diary of a Dangerous Vision
Andy Hawthorne
Their vision spawned a number of different related initiatives: the beginning and growth of the World Wide Message Tribe, Cameran Dante's conversion, and the EDEN project in Manchester. Andy Hawthorne was born in Manchester and rebelled as a teenager before being brought to Christ by his brother, Si... (more)
More information on Different Shoes
Eleven year old Gina is robbed of her ability to play football following a terrible car accident which leaves her with speech and co-ordination problems. Gina struggles with feelings of powerlessness and loss. Then she is befriended by a Christian lady who teaches her a way of starting again.
More information on Does Christianity Teach Male Headship
David Blankenhorn
This is not just another book on the perennial issue of male headship. In contrast to those many who regard Christianity as the great source of male domination, this book argues that authentic Christianity does not teach that husbands have spiritual superiority over their wives, and its authors list... (more)