More information on Baby's First Christmas
Christina Goodings / Stephen Barker
More information on Baby's First Prayers
Christina Goodings / Stephen Barker
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Stephen Holmes
This book considers the distinctive ideas and expressions of Christian faith to be found in the historic Baptist churches. An outline of the history of the Baptist movement will be offered, from its British beginnings in Amsterdam in 1609, through its varied developments in Britain, Europe and North... (more)
More information on Becoming a Dad
Stephen James / David Thomas
Preparing to be a dad has more to do with bravely facing the deep questions of your soul than mastering the mechanics of baby care (although, that’s really important too). Fatherhood is a journey of transformation and is without a doubt a life-changing experience. If a man is courageous enough to en... (more)
More information on Blueprints For A Solid Marriage
Dr Steve Stephens
An easy-to-use resource offers couples wisdom and practical applications to assess their marriage and revitalize their relationships, providing tools that can be used in a variety of situations, such as forming the foundation of a new marriage or improving a struggling marriage. 15,000 first printin... (more)
More information on Body Beautiful?  Recapturing a Vision for All-age Church
Philip Mountstephen / Kelly Martin
Churches have struggled with all-age worship. But all-age church is something quite different—a kingdom community where those of every age are involved in worship, ministry and growth. As a reflection of the life of God, this is a church shaped by gospel and Spirit, and one that is inescapably missi... (more)
More information on Bonhoeffer
Stephen Plant
Dietrich Bonhoeffer is one of the best know Christians of the twentieth century. His death at the hands of the Nazis is an extraordinary tale of courage and Christian discipleship. But Bonhoeffer was also a serious theologian. He wrote and thought with an unparalleled independence of mind, creativit... (more)