More information on A Little Farther
WP Nicholson
An inspiring and thought provoking compilation from the pen of Ulster's best known evangelists. These daily devotions will enable you to grow in grace and travel 'a little farther' in your walk with God.
More information on A Prison Of My Own
Diane Nichols
A thrilling and moving TRUE story of sin, crime, forgiveness and ultimately restoration that reads like a crime novel. Diane Nichols had no idea that her husband was having an affair with a 19-year-old girl - until the girl phoned to inform her. Diane confronted her husband, not dreaming it would... (more)
More information on Absolute Sort of Certainty
Stephen J Nichols
Reveals the contours of Edwards’s apologetics by exploring his view of the Spirit’s work in inspiration, regeneration, illumination, and especially assurance.
More information on Anne Bradstreet
Heidi L Nichols
Bradstreet's unique role in church history, as a woman espousing Puritan and Reformed theology in the early American colonies, makes an ideal figure for study.