More information on Christian Life & Why It Makes Sense (DVD)
Stephen Gaukroger
Based on Stephen Gaukroger's best-selling book "It Makes Sense", this DVD-based resource aims to give people the teaching and confidence to tackle some of the most common objections to the Christian faith. Each of the six sessions has three DVD film sections followed by discussion, Bible study and p... (more)
More information on Word Made Fresh: Transitional Living - Insights from 1 Samuel
Stephen Gaukroger
Moral decline, family breakdown and community meltdown - our world is changing and it's affecting everyone! Confidence has gone and people feel they have lost their way! Have we been here before, can we learn from the past? The Bible tells of unsettled days as Israel struggled to become a nation. Wh... (more)
More information on Word Made Fresh: Revival Living- Insights from 1 Timothy
Stephen Gaukroger
Paul's planted churches, seen miracles and disappointments, experienced success, endured opposition. And remained joyful, faithful and looking for revival to the end. But what about us! Is that our longing? Is that our passion? Take Paul's advice and learn to be the best you can for God,
More information on First Steps: The Handbook to Following Christ
Stephen Gaukroger
A down-to-earth explanation of how to live when you make a decision to follow Christ. No heavy theology, but a practical, light approach with plenty of humour. Originally published as Making It Work, completely revised and updated, with fresh illustrations, new material, and a very much strengthened... (more)
More information on It Makes Sense: The Handbook to Believing
Stephen Gaukroger
'Can I trust the bible?' 'Why does God allow suffering?' ' What about other religions?' 'Doesn't science disprove Christianity?' 'Isn't the church full of hypocrites?' These are the kind of crunch questions every enquirer and new Christians wants to ask. And this is the book they can turn to for hea... (more)
More information on CBG Daniel (Crossway Bible Guides)
Stephen Gaukroger / Derek Wood
More information on CBG Colossians and Philemon (Crossway Bible Guides)
Stephen Gaukroger / Wood, Derek