More information on Welcoming Asylum Seekers
Stephen Burns
The coming of asylum seekers was largely unexpected for the communities in which they settled. Many struggled to know how to welcome them, but those who took the risk also discovered the joy of new encounter. Stephen Burns writes from his own experience of such struggles and joy. he looks at the... (more)
More information on Living The Thanksgiving
Stephen Burns
One of the major needs facing the churches today is the education of its members in the faith they profess. Beneath the arguments dividing the Church, in places very deeply, is a widespread inability to read scripture other than superficially, or to recognise that other viewpoints may also have vali... (more)
More information on Church Times Study Guide
Stephen Burns
One of the major needs facing the churches today is the education of its members in the faith they profess. Beneath the arguments dividing the Church, in places very deeply, is a widespread inability to read scripture other than superficially, or to recognise that other viewpoints may also have vali... (more)
More information on Immersed in Grace: Exploring Baptism
Stephen Burns
One of the major needs facing the churches today is the education of its members in the faith they profess. Beneath the arguments dividing the Church, in places very deeply, is a widespread inability to read scripture other than superficially, or to recognise that other viewpoints may also have vali... (more)