More information on New Beginnings: 366 Devotions Inspired by God's Love and Compassion
Solly Ozrovech
The early hours of the morning are a special time of quiet seclusion that helps us to find strength and inspiration for a full and busy day ahead. It is also the best time to meet God so that we may devote the best of our time and thoughts to Him. The new hours of every day bring the child of God so... (more)
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Solly Ozrovech
More information on Abundant Life
Solly Ozrovech
This collection of devotions from the pen of Solly Ozrovech will guide the reader into the paths that lead to abundant life, and help him to find the victory that Christ promised to each one who believes in Him. God promises victory and abundance to all who persevere in Him, and who overcome until t... (more)
More information on A Shelter From The Storm
Solly Ozrovech
More information on Intimate Moments With God
Solly Ozrovech
This revamped edition of the popular devotional will encourage and inspire readers to live more fully in the abundant grace God gives to all who turn to Him in faith.