More information on Philippians for You
Steven J Lawson
The book of Philippians is about how to live with great joy and firm faith even when circumstances are hard. Written by Paul from his prison cell, it calls us to rejoice together as we shine gospel hope in a generation that does not know Christ. Dr Steven Lawson brings his trademark faithfulness, pr... (more)
More information on Job (Holman Old Testament Commentary #10)
Steven J Lawson / Max Anders
Job is at once one of the most profound literary and religious documents in the history of civilization. More than that, it is the Word of God. In this document, God graciously hears, through Job, our most vexing questions about the purposes of God and God’s ways with human beings. If a person lives... (more)
More information on Psalms 1-75 (Holman Old Testament Commentary #11)
Steven J Lawson / Max Anders
No other book in the Bible compares with the wonder of the sacred collection of inspired worship songs known as the Psalms. Considered by many to be the most loved portion of Scripture, the Psalms have been a bedrock of comfort and a tower of strength for believers in every experience of life. T... (more)
More information on Drama for Real Life: 16 Scripts About the Choices That Shape Us
Steven James
Emerging drama ministries face a daunting challenge: to give voice to the unvoiced anxieties and uncertainties of people coming of age in a complex world. These feelings and doubts are difficult to express in words, but they can be sketched out in the action and tension of drama. Love and Marriag... (more)