More information on Means Of Grace, Hope of Glory
Raymond Chapman
This new and broad ranging anthology replaces A Feast of Anglican Spirituality on the Canterbury Press list and is a more comprehensive guide to Anglican doctrine and practice, suitable both for browsing and for continuous reading. It is sometimes said that Anglicanism has no distinctive doctrine, y... (more)
More information on Firmly I Believe
Raymond Chapman
The Oxford Movement sprang into life in the 1830s in reaction to the liberalisation of theology and in response to new freedoms for Catholics in society. It was an opportunity for Anglicans who regarded themselves as loyal to Rome, despite the interruption of the Reformation, to promote Catholic the... (more)
More information on Leading Intercessions
Raymond Chapman
This liturgical resource has now been expanded to include forms of intercession for numerous extra occasions: Principal Feasts - for example: the Presentation of Christ in the Temple, Annunciation, the Transfiguration, other Holy Days - for example: the Birth of John the Baptist, Holy Cross Day, Hol... (more)
More information on Before the King's Majesty
Raymond Chapman
Lancelot Andrewes (1555-1626) was a towering figure in the formative years of the Church of England. Averse to the puritanical spirit of the age, he helped to create a distinctive Anglican theology, moderate in outlook and catholic in tone. He believed that theology should be built on sound learning... (more)