More information on Top 100 Questions
Richard Bewes
We've all had that sinking feeling when you realise that the question you have just been asked has you stumped. - your mind races to come to a satisfactory answer. Later you kick yourself for not having thought of it and prepared an answer before now. For Christians, when it comes to matters of fait... (more)
More information on Stone That Became A Mountain, The
Richard Bewes
Beginning with the prophet Daniel's glowing imagery of the stone that grew into a mountain, Richard Bewes has come up with a colourful - and vital - presentation of the biggest thing there is; the kingdom that outlives and outlasts everything else in sight.
More information on Words That Circled The World
Richard Bewes
Richard Bewes weaves some of the best-known quotes of our era into a remarkable book. Through these well known statements he is able to explore what motivates the modern mind and contrasts it with the wisdom of the Christian message. This unique book enables you to understand why the Christian faith... (more)
More information on 150 Pocket Thoughts
Richard Bewes
Richard Bewes has been a pastor for 40 years. He has been called on to minister to people at the heights of their joy and the depths of their despair. In all situations he has been guided by a lively faith in the God whom he serves. From this accumulated wisdom come thoughts that will encourage y... (more)
More information on Beginning the Christian Life
Richard Bewes
In this world 100,000 people a day are becoming Christians, in some countries the number outstrips the birth rate. Each week 1600 new congregations are formed.This is not a story you will be familiar with through your news media! Even in cynical Britain, for the ten years that straddled the 20th ... (more)
More information on The Top 100 Questions: Spiritual Answers to Real Questions
Richard Bewes / Ian Thompson
As a popular media broadcaster and conference speaker, Richard Bewes often faces tricky questions about the Christian faith. This book collects answers to the top 100 asked by people from all opinions and religious beliefs – remixed for young people. These are not 'pat' answers to make you feel s... (more)