More information on 1 and 2 Samuel (Shepherd's Notes)
Robert D Bergen / David R Shepherd
Holman Bibles provides this extensive collection of study books that offers through but concise summaries and important information about the books of the Bible and Christian classics.
More information on Lifelines - Making Wise Life Choices
These handy and inexpensive reference books (Connecting with Your Husband, Connecting with Your Wife, Connecting with Your Teen) offer instant help and practical, biblically based wisdom from trusted experts. Each book contains sections on Life Support (immediate hints for handling acute challenges)... (more)
More information on Divorce Proof Your Marriage (Audio Cd)
Rosberg, G & B
In this, the cornerstone product in the Divorce-Proof Your Marriage campaign, the Rosbergs encourage couples to take a stand against divorce and for healthy, growing, lifelong marriages. They outline the threats to marriage and offer building blocks to counter those threats, including six different ... (more)