More information on Joseph: The Hidden Hand of God
Liam Goligher
Any regular attendee at School concerts will have heard countless renditions of ‘Any dream will do’! Andrew Lloyd-Webber and Tim Rices’ musical ‘Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat’ has certainly brought awareness of Joseph’s name to contemporary society - but has it contributed to our und... (more)
More information on Fellowship of The King, The: The Quest for Community and Purpose
Liam Goligher
Imagine belonging to a group of people who accept you for who you are, who share your values and sense of purpose. The Fellowship of the King explores the attractive and compelling vision of fellowship and community presented in Scripture, in an age when most of us, paradoxically, feel alone in the ... (more)
More information on The Jesus Gospel: Recovering the Lost Message
Liam Goligher
Some contemporary writers seem to suggest that we need to reinvent the Christian message for post-modern times. They mostly suggest this for the best of reasons. But God threatens terrible things on those who would tamper with his word. So instead of reconstructing the message let us simply go ba... (more)