More information on Powers
John B. Olson
"Bury me standing. I must be buried standing." Powers, the follow-up to John Olson's Shade introduces a sheltered Gypsy girl named Mariutza. Her grandfather utters a mysterious last request before dying in her arms after being shot by ten cloaked men. Those same men die before her eyes, but strange... (more)
More information on Fossil Hunter
John B. Olson
Fossil Hunter is an Indiana Jones-style thriller that explores the Intelligent Design controversy from the points of view of two field scientists working in the strife-torn countries of Iran and Pakistan. When paleontologist Dr. Katie James leads an expedition to search for an ancient whale fossil r... (more)
More information on Growing in God's Spirit
Jonathan Edwards / T. M. Moore (Ed) / Charles Colson (For)
Marking the 300th anniversary of Jonathan Edwards's birth, Moore presents three of the great preacher's finest sermons: "A Divine and Supernatural Light," "Christian Knowledge," and "The Christian Pilgrim." This invaluable resource also features introductory remarks, subheadings, and questions for r... (more)