More information on Spiritual Maturity
J Oswald Sanders
Awed to repentance by the infinite holiness of the Father. Challenged to surrender by the triumphant humility of the Son. Energized to service by the transforming power of the Spirit. Spiritual maturity is not a level of growth Christians achieve, but the passion to press on in Christ. I... (more)
More information on Spiritual Leadership
J Oswald Sanders
More information on Sufficient Grace
J Oswald Sanders
Shows how to join hands with God in prayer, offering guidance for dealing with the stresses of life.
More information on What of the Unevangelised? : Effective Evangelism
J Oswald Sanders
Enrich your spiritual life with the guiding experience of a respected Bible teacher, and the faith-based fantasies of an Oxford scholar! New Zealand native J. Oswald Sanders was the author of more than 40 books on spiritual living, and a missions leader for nearly 70 years. This book collects two of... (more)