More information on Patnering with Parents in Youth Ministry
Jim Burns / Mike DeVries
The most powerful force in a young person's life is his family. That's why youth experts Jim Burns and Mike DeVries have written this book, which provides youth workers with everything they need to partner with parents to help them disciple their own children. This fresh approach to youth ministry h... (more)
More information on Expectant Prophet
John Currid
More information on Why Do I Suffer?
John Currid
Why does God allow suffering? It's a question that, in one form or another rears its ugly head time and again. Whether it comes from someone who has just lost a loved one, been diagnosed with an incurable illness or even just surveyed the plight of the poor in the third world. A few days after the t... (more)
More information on Deuteronomy
John D Currid
For many decades, scholarship has been almost unanimous in its appraisal of the laws of Deuteronomy. Many commentators see these laws as simply having been thrown together over the course of time; Deuteronomy is a veritable trough of laws with little rhyme of reason. The reason that the book is poor... (more)
More information on Genesis: Volume 2 (Chapters 25:19 - 50:26)
John D. Currid
Genesis is a book about beginnings — the creation of the universe, the formation of mankind, the establishment of the covenant and the founding of the people of Israel. Many Christians regard the Old Testament as merely a collection of interesting stories to be taught in Sunday school, but which hav... (more)
More information on Leviticus
John D. Currid
Leviticus used to be the first book of the Bible read and studied by children in the synagogue. In the church, it is perhaps the last one read, if it is ever given any attention at all. One of the reasons that the book of Leviticus is so little studied in the church is a lack of understanding about ... (more)
More information on Why Pray?
John Devries
- Helps Christians see prayer as more than a formula of words, but an attitude of dependence on God - Helps the reader understand the "work" of prayer - Encourages relationship with God that transcends "devotional time" - Written to help Christians who have difficulty understanding the purpose of... (more)