More information on Reformation Pastors
J. William Black
This work examines Richard Baxter's understanding and practice of pastoral ministry from the perspective of his own stated concern for 'reformation' and in the broader context of Edwardian, Elizabethan and early Stuart pastoral ideals and practice. It investigates Baxter's major treatise on pastoral... (more)
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John Blackburn
More information on Pride: How Hospitality and Humility Overcome the First Deadly Sin
John Blackwell
What happens when we start playing God? If Pride is the problem, what is the solution? The answer is humility, which Rev. Blackwell shows to be a truthful assessment of ourselves in relation to God and one another.
More information on Church Flowers
Judith Blacklock
Church Flowers by Judith Blacklock is the essential guide to arranging flowers in Church. Printed in full color throughout, the book contains step-by-step instructions on creating perfect large-scale mechanics. The book also demonstrates how to design beautiful floral arrangements for Weddings.