More information on An Educated Choice: Advice for Parents of College-Bound Students
Frank A Brock
There are more than four thousand colleges and universities in the United States alone. How can parents assist their children in selecting the right one? Frank A. Brock, president of Covenant College, helps parents of high school students negotiate the maze of choices with sound advice and practical... (more)
More information on Fix Your Eyes on Jesus
Frank Allred
In this his latest book Frank Allred urges us to fix our eyes upon Jesus. For the more we do so the more precious he will be to us and the more Christ-centred our lives will become. In a day in which many Christians seem to go in for a quick fix spiritually, Frank Allred pleads with us to make... (more)
More information on Rediscovering God's Love
Frank Allred
Evangelicals who are worthy of the name are concerned to spread the good news of the gospel as it is revealed in Holy Scripture without bias or amendment. This practice of telling the unconverted that ‘God loves them’ without explaining how and why is a grossly irresponsible thing to do. Our task to... (more)
More information on Contemporary Parish Prayers
Frank Colquhoun
Containing a comprehensive collection of 650 prayers expressed in modern rather then traditional idiom this collection includes prayers for the Church's year, Prayers of Intercession and Prayers for Parish Occasion. An invaluable resource.
£10.99  £8.99
More information on New Parish Prayers
Frank Colquhoun
For use by both clergy and lay people, themes range widely from the Church's year, Our nation and Society, through prayers for marriage and friendship, illness and grief, to thanksgiving and prayers for daily life.
£10.99  £8.99
More information on Family Finance Handbook: Discover the Blessings of Financial Freedom
Frank Damazio / Rich Brott
With insights gained from twenty-five years in business and ministry, the authors lead you through the book using biblical principles of stewardship and financial management. They show you how to get out of debt and guide you carefully through the investing process. Family Finance Handbook shows you... (more)
More information on Biblical Principles for Releasing Financial Provision!
Frank Damazio / Rich Brott
7 Keys to Open Heavens - This resource is dedicated to all individuals who want to enter into God's financial provision and desire to obtain His favor in their personal life, their business life and in all that they purpose to do. From the foreword by Dr. Jack W. Hayford: "Biblical Principles for Re... (more)
More information on Prophet - A Novel
Frank E Peretti
John Barrett, anchorman for the city’s most-watched newscast, is a man suddenly lost in a town he thought he owned. His comfortable world is being jarred to the breaking point. He’s caught his producer fabricating a story and lying to cover her tracks—and she seems to be hiding something much big... (more)
More information on Door in the Dragon's Throat, The
Frank E Peretti
Jay and Lila Cooper and their archaeologist father travel to Nepur to uncover the truth behind the legend of the deadly Door in the Dragon's Throat. What danger lies beyond the Door? A mystery as old as the desert sands… When teenagers Jay and Lila Cooper and their archaeologist father travel ... (more)