More information on His Light in Our Darkness
Fiona Castle
Available now in paperback, this is another rich anthology to add to Fiona's successful range. Fiona Castle's anthologies have been very popular. In her latest, she primarily addresses women and in a beautiful collection of poetry and prose, she explores the theme of thankfulness and gratitude. Prec... (more)
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More information on No Flowers ...just lots of joy (Special edition)
Fiona Castle
Fiona Castle's two bestselling books, Give us this Day and No Flowers - Just Lots of Joy have now been condensed into one volume. In this honest and engaging story, Fiona shares her personal experience of depression in the early years of marriage, followed by her conversion and healing. She goes... (more)
More information on Living Simply
Fiona Castle
On a life-changing visit to Peru Fiona Castle met people who lived in poverty but were rich in love. They knew the value of friendship and community. When she came home, she resolved to live more simply, more wholeheartedly for God and so she carried out a life audit: On physical clutter - the po... (more)
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Fiona Castle & Friends
A 365 devotional that encourages women to live all out for Jesus in the midst of their busy lives. Jesus gave us the greatest love of all. We are called not just to keep it to ourselves, but to overflow with that love to others. But how can we really do that in the busyness of our lives? In th... (more)