More information on Raising Kids For True Greatness
Dr Tim Kimmel
Sometimes greatness is measured by possessions or power and parents become preoccupied with raising "resume" and "pedigree" children. Yet true greatness is an internal evidence of attitudes and a heart known for humility, compassion, graciousness, and enthusiasm. Author and speaker Dr. Tim Kimmel id... (more)
More information on Why Christian Kids Rebel
Dr Tim Kimmel
Author of Grace-Based Parenting and the best-selling Little House on the Freeway, Dr. Tim Kimmel helps Christian parents avoid the potential problems their well-meaning parenting styles could create. This book offers a new way to look at the "ideal" Christian home and shows why "cocoon-style" Chris... (more)
More information on 50 Ways To Really Love Your Kids
Dr Tim Kimmel
Yes! You can love your kids in amazing ways you may have never even thought of! And one of America's top advocates for the family will help you do it. In 50 Ways to Really Love Your Kids, Tim Kimmel offers moms and dads simple, how-to ways to express love to their children. His thought-provoking... (more)
More information on Extreme Grandparenting: The Ride of Your Life!
Dr. Tim Kimmel / Darcy Kimmel
Grandparents of the new millennium . . . Are you ready to take grandparenting to the next level? Grandparents play an important role in the lives of their grandchildren--a role that's being redefined today by active, vital grandparents like you. Extreme Grandparenting offers timeless and teste... (more)