Dale & sandy Larsen
You can't change the fact that you are getting older. And, indeed, you may not want to! Age brings many gifts and opportunities for continued growth. In nine study sessions, Dale and Sandy Larsen help you discover the Bible's perspective on aaging. You'll discover how God can effectively and powerfu... (more)
More information on Images Of God
Dale Larsen / Sandy Larsen
Offers ten studies for individuals or small groups exploring images that Scripture uses about God. This study uses poetic language and images to broaden readers' understanding about God. It also provides questions to encourage personal reflection and evoke group discussions.
More information on Images of the Spirit
Dale Larsen / Sandy Larsen
How do you picture the Holy Spirit? A vague fuzzy cloud? An invisible, impersonal force? The Bible is clear that the Holy Spirit is a person. Scripture gives us strong word pictures of the Spirit as wind, fire, a counsellor, anointing oil and more - and these eight Bible studies will help us explore... (more)
More information on Jesus (Chronicles of Faith)
Dan Larsen
Jesus - The story of the Son of God in His life and ministry on earth. Who is this man? He turns water into wine, and raises people from the dead! Even the forces of nature are under His control. The man is Jesus. Some say He's a wise teacher, the son of a simple carpenter. Other say He's crazy, dem... (more)
More information on David Livingstone (Chronicles of Faith)
Dan Larsen
This kid-friendly biography of the great Scottish missionary who took God s light to the Dark Continent of Africa is written especially for eight to twelve year olds and features action-packed illustrations on every other page. This digest-sized book makes an excellent resource for Sunday school cla... (more)
More information on Paul (Chronicles of Faith)
Dan Larsen / Al Bohl
Paul - The life of the great missionary, Bible writer, and miracle worker. Action, excitement, and adventure await you in one of the most incredible true-life stories of all time. Paul the apostle turned the world upside down with his call to radical obedience, faith, and commitment to Jesus Christ.... (more)
More information on Telling the Old, Old Story: The Art of Narrative Preaching
David Larsen
How to transfer biblical truths into narrative stories that can dispense insight, understanding, and personal significance to the hearts and minds of listeners. Good preaching has the potential of leaving an indelible imprint on audiences, empowering them with relevant, life-changing truths for e... (more)