More information on Following Jesus: A non-religious guidebook fore the spiritually hungry
Dave Roberts
Following Jesus takes a proactive look at what serving Jesus means today. It helps readers clarify how they can be gracious, wise, joyous, creative, biblical and balanced in everyday life. It brings them back again and again to the life of Christ, from perspectives they may never have considered. It... (more)
More information on God's Plan for Children
Dave Roberts
Hope is a precious gift. Daring to hope is a vital choice that parents, people and churches must make as we face the uncertainties of a new millennium. It would be easy to be overwhelmed by a counsel of despair from the massed choirs of advisers, experts and media commentators, who reflect on soc... (more)
More information on Follow Jesus: A Guide Book for the Spiritually Hungry
Dave Roberts
Jesus was dangerous. Dangerous to the status quo, dangerous to the religious elite, dangerous to the complacent. Yet many loved him and gave up their lives to follow him. It's no different today He disturbs the comfortable and comforts the disturbed. So what does it mean to follow him now? How... (more)