More information on Ramshackle Rose
Cathy Marie Hake
Satisfy the legions of romance readers hungry for wholesome, Christ-centered stories by carrying Barbour's Heartsong Presents line. Each of these mass market paperback novels is a top-quality romance reflecting Christian values through realistic stories. Available in both contemporary and historic s... (more)
More information on Heartsong: Redeemed Hearts
Cathy Marie Hake
When famine ravages Ireland, Brigit Murphy and her family are forced to move to America. There, Brigit becomes a maid in the Newcomb home, where the mistress of the house, Emily Newcomb, is determined to marry off her brother, Duncan. When Duncan, a ship's captain, discovers he's fallen in love ... (more)
More information on Last Chance
Cathy Marie Hake
A young widow, Lovejoy Spencer has experienced the worst that marriage can offer. Now she is determined to make sure her younger sister and two friends are not about to make the same mistake when they travel across the country, intent on marrying three brothers. Daniel Chance is a surly widower lost... (more)
More information on Virgina
Cathy Maries Hake
Historical Romance: Go back in time to Virginia's age of tall ships, across the turn of the century, and through the victory of World War I in four historical romances that combine to form a compelling family saga. John Newcomb shoulders his brother's sins when a woman brings her sister and nephew t... (more)