More information on Fleeing Isis Finding Jesus The Real Story of God at Work
Charles Morris & Craig Borlase
The Real Story of God At Work In Iraq ISIS is on the move. So is Jesus. Summer 2014 ISIS rages across Syria & Iraq seeking out & slaughtering Christians by the thousands. Women & children are enslaved & the world looks on in terror. Is this the beginning of the end? Could the church in the Middl... (more)
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More information on Naked Christian, The
Craig Borlase
This book is for anyone who grew up in the Church, but did their growing up far away from it. Author Craig Borlase offers answers for those looking for vulnerable Christianity, the kind that makes us unafraid of being naked before each other and God. If you feel you fit just outside of what the ... (more)
More information on God's Gravity: The Upside-Down Life of Selfless Faith
Craig Borlase
Responsibility, obedience and sacrifice are what Jesus called His disciples to live by. But in our modern-day culture, a self-centered mindset has pervaded the church and turned our focus from what do I have to give, to what can I get? God's Gravity hits this issue straight on. With unflinching hone... (more)
More information on William Seymour
Craig Borlase
Blind in one eye yet in possession of remarkable vision, William Seymour was a man few believers are aware of. The son of ex-slaves but a passionate believer of racial integration, Seymour led the Azusa Street Revival in Los Angeles in 1906, credited for launching the twentieth-century American Pent... (more)
More information on Multi-Sensory World
Craig Borlase
Global issues explored - for creative churches, youth groups and small groups; a resource produced in partnership with the international Christian relief and development charity Tearfund. Fresh, innovative, imaginative, inspirational - this collection of 10 complete sessions will breathe life int... (more)