More information on What Grace (CD)
Graham Kendrick
Enhanced CD with sheet music for the song "What Grace", overhead masters for all the songs, and an interview. Features Martin Smith (Delirious?) & Matt Redman. Tracklist: 1) To You O Lord 2) Rock Of Ages 3) I Kneel Down 4) What Grace 5) To The King Eternal 6) Lord You've Been Good To... (more)
More information on What Really Happened to the Dinosaurs
Ken Ham / John Morris
More information on Why Won't They Listen?
Ken Ham
Ken Ham, one of the most in-demand conference speakers worldwide, has visited with people in many different countries on several continents, and he has found that people everywhere still have many things in common. One of these similarities is still the need for a Savior. Yes, the gospel is still pr... (more)