More information on Unafraid of the Sacred Forest
Ronaldo Lidorio
Ghana is considered one of the success stories of West Africa. Its government is relatively stable and the widespread use of English, as part of its colonial heritage, gives it easier access to the world at large. If Ronaldo and Rossana Lidorio were expecting a lightly Westernised African state w... (more)
More information on Unexpected Blessing
Cameron Lee
"We have always needed God's blessing, though we forget this when the course of life seems smooth and steady. But when trouble visits, we turn to God and invoke his favor. Yet do we really know what we are asking for? And is it possible to live in such a way that blessing becomes part of the very fa... (more)
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W R Dronsfield
More information on U-Turn In The Fast Lane - The True Life Story Of Don Heron
Heron, R. Dye
One man's journey back to God Don Heron knew about God as a child, but now he is trying to drive everything he's learned from his mind. He doesn't need God or the crutch of religion. He is going to make it on his own. From a career in industrial espionage to the rush of a life of crime, Don's eve... (more)