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Stephen Miller & Robert Huber
The Bible has had a profound influence on the diverse cultures of Europe and the British Isles, the Americas, Australia and Africa, and has even left an imprint on Asia. It is a book that has inspired the whole range of human emotion and experience, including some of the finest art and literature. A... (more)
More information on The Book of Acts (The Smart Guide to the Bible)
Dr. Larry Richards / Robert C. Girard
The Book for Authentic Christian Living and Fellowship The early church was filled with Christians who had seen Jesus, and who were committed to telling His story for the benefit of future generations of God's family. The Smart Guide to the Bible: The Book of Acts connects you to the people and e... (more)
More information on The Case for a Creator
Lee Strobel
“My road to atheism was paved by science . . . But, ironically, so was my later journey to God.”—Lee StrobelDuring his academic years, Lee Strobel became convinced that God was outmoded, a belief that colored his ensuing career as an award-winning journalist at the Chicago Tribune. Science had made ... (more)
More information on The Case for Christmas
Lee Strobel
A fascinating look into the truth behind the Christmas story. The story, recorded in Luke 2:8-18, describes how an angel announced to a ragtag group of shepherds that "a Savior who is Messiah and Master" had been born in the town of David. Was this a hoax? A hallucination? Or was it the pivotal even... (more)
More information on The Case for Easter
Lee Strobel
Did Jesus of Nazareth really rise from the dead? Of the many world religions, only one claims that its founder returned from the grave. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the very cornerstone of Christianity. But a dead man coming back to life? In our sophisticated age, when myth has given ... (more)
More information on The Case for the Real Jesus
Lee Strobel
Has modern scholarship debunked the traditional Christ? Has the church suppressed the truth about Jesus to advance its own agenda? What if the real Jesus is far different from the atoning Savior worshipped through the centuries? In The Case for the Real Jesus, former award-winning legal editor L... (more)
More information on The Church Treasurer's Handbook
Robert Leach
This clear, user-friendly, comprehensive guide to the duties and responsibilities of church and charity treasurers will prove a godsend to all who undertake this task which, though voluntary, demands a high level of professionalism due to the increasingly stringent requirements of the Charity Commis... (more)
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Helen Roberts
Too often, women hold each other back, bad mouthing and making unflattering comparisons. Social media give extra opportunities for negative comment. Are we trapped in our own battles, or entertained by the wars of other women, to the detriment of our own freedom and well-being? What would happen, as... (more)
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More information on The Dawkins Letters: Challenging Atheist Myths
David Robertson
Click Here to watch and hear the author talk about his book. When Richard Dawkins published 'The God Delusion', David Robertson wanted there to be an intelligent Christian response. After some ill thought through int... (more)
More information on The Dawkins Letters: Challenging Atheist Myths
David Robertson
An Extra Chapter included in this revised edition. When Richard Dawkins published 'The God Delusion', David Robertson wanted there to be an intelligent Christian response. After some ill thought through interventions in the media it was obvious that no one was really going to answer the real issues ... (more)