More information on The Wounded Heart
Dan B Allender
Use this workbook to continue the healing from sexual abuse that began in Dr. Dan Allender's book The Wounded Heart.
More information on The Wounded Heart Workbook
Dr Dan B Allender
Thousands of women and men have experienced life-reviving healing from Dr. Dan Allender’s book The Wounded Heart . This companion workbook will help you work through the complex issues of sexual abuse in a concrete way. Designed to be used on your own or in a group, the workbook will lead you step-b... (more)
More information on To Be Told
Dan B Allender
Dan Allender shows us that God is not merely the Source of our life but the Author of it: and His creative work is not finished at our conception but is ongoing. He invites us to read our story so far, understand the meaning of who we are, and join Him in continuing to develop our life.