More information on Seasonal Poems, Meditations & Reflections for Public Worship
David Blackburn
There are often times during the Church’s year when the Bible readings, powerful though they are, seem just a little too familiar, and preachers and worship leaders may be found struggling for something new to say. This is especially true of the great festivals. Here are fresh ways of telling th... (more)
More information on Sexual Sin - Combatting The Drifting And Cheating
Black, Jeffrey
Discusses sexual sin as cheating (wanting sex without intimacy) and drifting (we drift, rather than leap, into it). One answer: hiding God's Word in our hearts.
More information on Sir Kendrick and the Castle of Bel Lione (Knights of Arrethtrae)
Chuck Black
A sinister new order threatens the Knights of the Prince. Dispatched to Bel Lione, Sir Kendrick and Sir Duncan seek to uncover the identity of the secretive Conquistero Knights and expose the truth about their stronghold. But first they must contend with evil Lord Ra.
More information on Spiritual Leadership: Moving People on to God's Agenda
Henry T Blackaby
Henry and Richard Blackaby are "concerned that many Christian leaders are reading secular books and are applying their teachings uncritically, "so they wrote Spiritual Leadership to help Christian leaders in business, politics and the pastorate develop the qualities of spiritual leadership. Spiritua... (more)