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Richard Reddie & Others
In 2020 Britain marks the 25th anniversary of Racial Justice Sunday. This movement was established at a time when the UK was having to face up to both overt and subversive forms of racism, characterised by the tragic killing of black teenager, Stephen Lawrence, in Eltham in 1993. This murder, and... (more)
More information on Radical Grace : Daily Meditations
Richard Rohr
Radical Grace is a gospel call to conversion. Richard invites us to be faithful, to turn to God, to reform our hearts and minds. Now in paperback, this collection of 408 meditations spans two decades and combines reflections from Richard's popular audio recordings and published and unpublished writi... (more)
More information on Reading the Gospels in the Dark: Portrayals of Jesus in Film
Richard Walsh
How do the "Jesus films" compare to the canonical gospels? In Reading the Gospel in the Dark: Portrayals of Jesus in Film, religion professor Richard Walsh explores movies such as Jesus of Montreal, Shane, Godspell and The Greatest Story Ever Told. He argues that Jesus films are cultural and ideolog... (more)
More information on Reflections on the Bible
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
More information on Reimagining Evangelism
Rick Richardson
This ground-breaking book proposes a major paradigm shift in our understanding of evangelism. Rather than trying to close on a deal, pushing something on people that they may not really want, we should rather invite friends to go on a spiritual journey where their doubts and questions are taken seri... (more)
More information on Reimagining Evangelism: Inviting Friends on a Spiritual Journey
Rick Richardson
Sometimes talking about Jesus with friends can feel like trying to close a deal on a sales call, pushing something on people they may not really want. But what if we thought of it more like inviting friends on a spiritual journey? Imagine being free to be yourself and free for the Spirit to work ... (more)
More information on Renewing the Eucharist - Volume 1: Celebrating the Eucharist
Ann Loades / Richard Giles / Nicola Slee / Mark Ireland
This first volume focuses on the basic order of service - the classic fourfold shape of gathering, word, sacrament and sending. In simple, non technical language leading writers in the field get to the heart of the matter and provide invaluable guidance to clergy, ordinands, Eucharistic ministers, s... (more)
More information on Return from Exile (Smart Guide to the Bible)
Larry Richards / Daymond Duck
Today's headlines were written over 2,500 years ago when the Hebrews began their return to their Promised Land-the future nation of Israel. God used history-makers Ezra and Nehemiah and prophets Haggai and Zechariah to bring about His perfect plan of restoration. This Smart Guide takes the reader on... (more)
More information on Revelation: A Blackaby Bible Study Series (Encounters with God)
Henry Blackaby / Richard Blackaby / Thomas Blackaby / Melvin Blackaby
Let five premier teachers of God's Word lead you to a closer, more intimate understanding of God's message to His people. Intended as companions to the Blackaby Study Bible, these guides also stand alone as a complete study of a book of the Bible. The lessons include: Leader's Notes 7 studi... (more)