More information on Reimagining Evangelism
Rick Richardson
This ground-breaking book proposes a major paradigm shift in our understanding of evangelism. Rather than trying to close on a deal, pushing something on people that they may not really want, we should rather invite friends to go on a spiritual journey where their doubts and questions are taken seri... (more)
More information on Reimagining Evangelism: Inviting Friends on a Spiritual Journey
Rick Richardson
Sometimes talking about Jesus with friends can feel like trying to close a deal on a sales call, pushing something on people they may not really want. But what if we thought of it more like inviting friends on a spiritual journey? Imagine being free to be yourself and free for the Spirit to work ... (more)
More information on Return from Exile (Smart Guide to the Bible)
Larry Richards / Daymond Duck
Today's headlines were written over 2,500 years ago when the Hebrews began their return to their Promised Land-the future nation of Israel. God used history-makers Ezra and Nehemiah and prophets Haggai and Zechariah to bring about His perfect plan of restoration. This Smart Guide takes the reader on... (more)