More information on Rediscovering God's Love
Frank Allred
Evangelicals who are worthy of the name are concerned to spread the good news of the gospel as it is revealed in Holy Scripture without bias or amendment. This practice of telling the unconverted that ‘God loves them’ without explaining how and why is a grossly irresponsible thing to do. Our task to... (more)
More information on Reimagining Church
Frank Viola
Author Frank Viola presents a compelling case for a new kind of church based on the model for fellowship found in Acts. Redefine expectations and reimagine a life-changing church.
More information on Revive Us Again
Frank Viola
Every person follows a script for living, a life-guide that offers cues for our behaviour and direction for our choices. As believers, the Word of God gives us a script for experiencing life as God intended. Yet our scripts are often distorted by our enviroment, our culture, and our religious tradit... (more)
More information on Right People, Right Place, Right Plan: Discerning the Voice of God
Jentezen Franklin
Which job should I take? Whom should I marry? Where should I invest my money? And what does God have to say about it all? Pastor Franklin shows you how to develop your supernatural gift of spiritual discernment. As you learn to trust divine "nudges" and understand "uneasy" feelings, you'll grow to f... (more)
More information on Romanian Rhapsody
Darlene Franklin
Haunted by the orphans she met in Romania, Carrie Randolph returns to work in an orphanage. Soon she finds herself mothering five toddlers full-time and dreaming of adopting one of them when her two-year mission is finished. Steve Romero's wife and son died in tragic circumstances in Romania, and he... (more)