More information on Preach the Word
Lane, Denis
Do you need help in sermon preparation? How can you make the presentation of your message more effective? Too little of contemporary preaching is really an exposition of what the Word of God actually says. Sincere exhortation and a fund of good stories are no substitute for the convincing power and ... (more)
More information on Proverbs: Everday wisdom for everybody (Focus on the Bible)
Eric Lane
Sex, ambition, anxiety, fear, money; marriage, parenting, discipline, education, neighbourliness, friendship, disputes, litigation, politics Whatever the question - the answer is in Proverbs No book of the Bible gives the Christian more practical advice than Proverbs. It covers personal probl... (more)
More information on Psalms 1-89 (Focus on the Bible)
Eric Lane
A Psalm is basically a poem set to music, and sung. This sets the book of Psalms apart from other Scripture. You will find other Psalms and songs scattered throughout scripture - some are also used for worship - but they tend to be part of a narrative. Because people think of the Psalms purely as a ... (more)
More information on Psalms 90-150 (Focus on the Bible)
Eric Lane
A Psalm is basically a poem set to music and sung. For centuries the Psalms would have been the most familiar part of scripture to people who had no access to books. They are not only an integral part of the shared experience of the church but they also communicate God’s guidance to this world, reve... (more)