More information on Philippians for You
Steven J Lawson
The book of Philippians is about how to live with great joy and firm faith even when circumstances are hard. Written by Paul from his prison cell, it calls us to rejoice together as we shine gospel hope in a generation that does not know Christ. Dr Steven Lawson brings his trademark faithfulness, pr... (more)
More information on Pilgrim Journeys The Lord's Prayer
Steven Croft
Pilgrim Journeys: The Lord's Prayer takes you on a 40-day journey through the prayer Jesus taught his followers - one which continues to shape the lives of Christians across the world. Each day provides you with a short Bible reflection, an invitation to pray and a suggestion for responding to th... (more)
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Steven Croft
Pilgrim Journeys: The Creeds explores what Christians believe in 40 short daily reflections for Lent 2021. Whether you are new to faith or have been a Christian for many years, this booklet will help deepen your understanding of Christian teaching and remind you afresh of who you are within God's st... (more)
More information on Preaching with Humanity: A Practical Guide for Today's Church
Geoffrey Stevenson / Stephen Wright
Today, many people question the value of preaching. Yet preaching is one of the most awesome callings in the world. Preaching with Humanity considers questions such as: How can 'old-fashioned' preaching survive in the YouTube culture? What is the place of preaching in a 'mission-shaped Church'?... (more)
More information on Psalms 1-75 (Holman Old Testament Commentary #11)
Steven J Lawson / Max Anders
No other book in the Bible compares with the wonder of the sacred collection of inspired worship songs known as the Psalms. Considered by many to be the most loved portion of Scripture, the Psalms have been a bedrock of comfort and a tower of strength for believers in every experience of life. T... (more)