More information on One Anothering Volume 1: Biblical Building Blocks for Small Groups
Richard C Meyer
Eleven sessions, based on such themes as "love one another," "bear one another's burdens," "submit to one another," and "encourage one another." Includes guidelines and basic considerations for group formation.
More information on One Anothering Volume 2: Building Spiritual Community in Small Groups
Richard C Meyer
Ten sessions, based on such themes as "accept one another," "serve one another," "teach one another," and "honor one another." Includes a special introductory chapter on "The Power of Community," outlining the core biblical basis for small groups.
More information on One Anothering Volume 3: Creating Significant Spiritual Community
Richard C Meyer
Nine sessions, based on such themes as "speak truthfully to one another," "do not grumble against one another," "do not provoke one another," and "look out for one another." Includes a unique chapter on small group worship. 144 pages
More information on OVERLOAD
Joyce Meyer
As technology increases your accessibility, it becomes harder to mute the background noise of your life and receive God's guidance. Joyce Meyer calls this OVERLOAD, when the demands of your busy life become all-consuming and overwhelming. But to experience the joyful life God has planned, you must m... (more)