More information on Oswain And The Guild Of The White Eagle
Houghton, John
An army is advancing on the Great Forest. It is led by the tyrant, Feldrog, who has the power to inflict paralysing fear on anyone who stands in his way. Oswain has been imprisoned and lies injured and unable to help. Can Peter, Sarah and Andrew do anything to save the kingdom?
More information on Oswain And The Quest For The Ice Maiden (The Oswain Tales Book 3)
Houghton, John
These popular fantasy novels, featuring the adventures of Prince Oswain, Peter, Sarah and Andrew, have been rewritten, bringing the language and characterisation up-to-date for a new generation.
More information on Outhere - A Different Way of being
John Houghton
Imagine … a farmer, with acres of fertile fields stretching out before him, instructing his workers to gather each week to polish the tractors and decorate the barn. The process is repeated year on year. The barn becomes ever more comfortable and the tractor positively gleams. So pleased is ever... (more)