More information on Orthodoxy
G K Chesterton
More information on Orthodoxy
G K Chesterton
"G. K. Chesterton routinely ignites more ideas per page than any Christian author of the twentieth century, with the possible exception of C. S. Lewis. Chesterton sometimes overstates, often maddens, and invariably provokes a new and better way of seeing things. In this book, he offers us new ways o... (more)
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G K Chesterton
In the past few hundred years, some great Christian thinkers, pioneers, radicals and visionaries have penned works of literature that continue to influence Christians today. Rediscover the cornerstones of the Christian faith with these classic works from some of the most influential Christian though... (more)
More information on Orthodoxy (Hendrickson Christian Classics )
G K Chesterton
Every Christian library needs the classics-the timeless books that have spoken powerfully to generations of believers. Hendrickson Christian Classics allow readers to build an essential classics library in affordable modern editions. Each volume is freshly retypeset for reading comfort, while though... (more)